• Child Safety: Essential Tips for Parents to Keep Their Kids Safe and Healthy
    Raising children is no small feat. Parenting isn’t easy and parents need all the help that they can get. When it comes to taking care of your child, you probably Read more
  • Wellness Check Ups for Newborn Care
    Are you preparing to invite a little one into the world? Dr. Errol Douglas and our team at Gold Pediatrics in Rockville, MD explain the importance of newborn care appointments Read more
  • The Importance of Child Weight Management
    Obesity is a common chronic disease in childhood. If you are concerned that your child is overweight or at risk of becoming, our doctor in Rockville, MD, can help with Read more
  • Managing Asthma in Children: Tips for Parents
    When you find out that your child has asthma, it’s important to know that they can still participate in their favorite activities and play just as well as other children. Read more
  • Promoting Healthy Eating Habits in Children
    You want your child to be healthy, and one of the cornerstones of good health is nutrition. If your child is a picky eater, likes to eat junk food, or Read more
  • Why Immunizations Are So Important
    How immunizations from your pediatrician in Rockville, MD, can protect your child from contagious and infectious diseases Your child is precious, and so is your child’s health. You want to do Read more
  • When Should I Have My Child’s Behavior Evaluated?
    How a behavioral health screening from your pediatrician in Rockville, MD, can help your child Are you noticing your child acting out or displaying defiant behavior? Many of your child’s behaviors Read more
  • Newborn Care FAQs
    How your pediatrician in Rockville, MD, can help with newborn care You want your newborn to thrive, and proper newborn care is critical. If you are a new parent, it’s natural Read more
  • Why Are Immunizations Important?
    As a parent, you want to do everything you can to make sure that your child is protected from whatever may come their way. Unfortunately, one thing that may come Read more
  • Understanding Child Behavioral Issues
    While most people understand that a child’s physical health is important, it’s just as important to understand the impact emotional health has on a child. If a child is dealing Read more
  • Why Having a Pediatrician Is Important
    When it comes to taking care of your child, you want to make sure that you have all the tools you need to ensure your child’s needs are being met Read more
  • The Benefits of Regular Well-Child Visits
    Regular well-child visits can help protect your child from serious illnesses, diseases, and injuries by identifying potential problems early. The early identification of medical issues allows you and your child Read more
  • Immunizations Benefits
    When you think of the benefits of immunizations for your child, you probably think of preventing them from getting sick, which is true. Dr. Errol Douglas of Gold Pediatrics in Read more
  • When Is It Time To See Someone for Child Weight Management?
    Ensuring that your child receives enough physical activity in their day and that their diet is healthy is one of the most important responsibilities for a parent. Unfortunately, some children Read more
  • Managing Asthma in Children: Tips and Techniques
    Asthma is a common problem in children, and its effects can be serious. When your child has difficulty breathing, it’s scary for your child and for you. Your pediatrician can Read more
  • Is Your Child at Risk for Conjunctivitis?
    Conjunctivitis, commonly known as "pink eye," causes redness or swelling around the white part of the eye due to viruses, bacteria, or allergens. Viral and bacterial conjunctivitis spreads quickly and Read more

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