

What Is a Behavioral Health Assessment?

Mental health issues are emotionally complicated for many parents. Parents get to see their children every day, leaving you with a blind spot to behavioral issues your child may be experiencing. However, most parents are also aware that mental health care is extremely important for their child, especially if their child is experiencing something they'll have to deal with their whole life. Here's what to expect when you bring your child to a behavioral health assessment with Dr. Errol Douglas's Gold Pediatrics in Rockville, MD.

Early Years

Kids grow and learn at their own pace, but a child developing social skills more slowly than his peers might be dealing with an underlying condition. It's difficult to tell if children under six years old are dealing with neurological disorders, but an expert can evaluate to see if they're on pace with their developmental milestones. If they're not, a behavioral health assessment will help you develop a plan for getting your child the extra support they need to get caught back up.

Starting School

Early elementary school days are when doctors start to be able to tell if your child is experiencing a developmental disorder. Developmental disorders, such as Autism and ADHD, are often scary to hear about, but hearing about them early and working to teach your child to deal with them gives them the best chance of a fulfilling life. A behavioral health assessment in Rockville, MD, can help your child thrive.

Teen Years

Teenagers are moody, and their behavior is unpredictable. It can make it difficult to tell when they're having behavioral health issues or just having a rough day. However, teenagers are still children with developing minds. A behavioral health assessment at Rockville, MD, helps you nurture those developing minds as your child transitions into the great adult you know they can be.

Contact Us

A behavioral health assessment is a valuable tool to help you as your child develops. Various neurological and mental health conditions can hinder your child's development if you don't have a plan for handling them. Contact Dr. Douglas and Gold Pediatrics in Rockville, MD at (301) 517-9710 to schedule an appointment. Call us today and help your child's development.

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