

What To Know About Child Weight Management

Leading Pediatrician Fights Youth Obesity

Rockville, MD, is home to a leading, skilled, and seasoned 30-year pediatric doctor devoting time to child weight management. Dr. Errol Douglas's Gold Pediatrics office is in Rockville, MD.

Our doctor is devoted to the health and wellness of every child he cares for in his practice. Our doctor realizes the heartbreak of America's obesity epidemic and how adult obesity impacts America's youth.

Importance of Child Weight Management

One of Rockville's leading pediatric doctors, Dr. Douglas, leads Gold Pediatrics in Rockville, MD. Our doctor devotes his time to providing child weight management education and various medical services to his young patients.

His goal is to help parents raise healthy, strong children. The foundation of this goal is the education of youngsters and their parents to eat healthily and develop a sensible exercise program for the child.

America's child and adult obesity epidemic causes weight-related health issues such as heart disease, liver disease, high cholesterol, and diabetes in adolescence and as the child enters adulthood. Possible depression is another factor, as obesity can significantly affect self-esteem. 

Our doctor and staff will take the time to help you make positive and necessary changes to help control your child's weight. In addition, early dietary education helps prevent future disease processes in your child.

Our doctor explains what you can expect when you call for nutritional and weight help for your child through diet and exercise.

  • Record weight and height
  • Review of medical history
  • Possible blood work
  • Review potential behavioral issues and needed changes
  • Possible dietary consult

Never hesitate to get your child's weight under control before bad eating habits make it difficult to change as the child ages.

We Want to Help Your Child's Weight Issues

Dr. Douglas and his staff at Gold Pediatrics in Rockville, MD, are ready to take your call at (301) 517-9710 and schedule your child's consultation appointment for child weight management.

If you know that your child has a weight issue, you also know that obesity carries high risks for disease processes like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, low self-esteem, and much more.

Know that no person, adult, or child can stay on a weight-loss diet for life. So, instead of relying on a specific diet to accomplish your child's weight-loss program, it is a lifestyle change that will impact your child's weight loss and weight management plan more successfully.

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Hours of Operation

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8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


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