

What Causes Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) In Children?

While normally a preschool illness, conjunctivitis (pink eye) can be anyone’s health condition. At Gold Pediatrics we strive in treating the Rockville, MD community’s children through pink eye and more. Give our office a call today for an appointment and read on to learn more about this condition.

What is Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)?

A common childhood eye infection, pink eye is contagious and is the inflammation of the eye’s conjunctiva, or the white part of the eye. It looks worse than it is and will usually go away on its own. However, some cases will stick around and be more serious than others. Having it checked out if it doesn’t go away in a few days is always a good idea.

Causes of Pink Eye

The causes of pink eye are dependent on whether it is infectious or noninfectious. Infectious pink eye can be from some of the same viral and bacterial infections that cause sinus and ear issues. Noninfectious types of pink eye can be from irritants like pollution and chlorine or allergic pink eye which can be from hay fever and other allergies to pollen, dander, and dust mites.

How to Know if You Have Pink Eye

Some of the key characteristics of pink are the pink or red color in the eye. There can be a gritty sensation and discharge along with pain and swelling.  There may be light sensitivity. Pink eye can be in one or both eyes. Eye drops can help the dry and gritty feeling and can help keep them cleaned out while they are healing.

When is the Contagious Timeline?

Bacterial pink eye can be contagious from the time the symptoms begin until the end of the discharge. Viral pink eye can be contagious from before the symptoms even start and last until the very end of the symptomatic stage. Pink eye from allergies or irritation is not contagious and therefore has no timeline to be aware of.

If you’re looking to get an appointment to talk about conjunctivitis (pink eye), call Gold Pediatrics at (301) 517-9710. We treat all of Rockville, MD with their pediatric needs.

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