

When To See a Pediatrician

We’ve compiled some of the top symptoms in kids that our Rockville, MD, pediatrician Dr. Errol Douglas knows can leave parents wondering whether they need to bring them into the office for care.

A Fever

How your child behaves with a fever indicates whether or not they need to come into our office. If your child is still playing and acting normally, you can simply continue monitoring their fever; however, a high fever can cause a child to become lethargic and doesn’t play or respond to you.

A good rule of thumb to follow: newborns with a fever over 100.4 need to see our Rockville, MD, pediatrician as soon as possible. After three months, a fever over 102 F also warrants a doctor’s visit.

An Ear Infection

Most ear infections are caused by a viral infection, which means that antibiotics typically won’t be effective in this instance; however, sometimes ear infections are fungal or bacterial and require treatment. So, when should you turn to our Rockville, MD, pediatrician for an ear infection?

If your child has an ear infection accompanied by a high fever or is experiencing severe ear pain, then it’s time to call us. You should also contact us if your child’s ear infection doesn’t improve within 48 hours.

Sore Throat

A sore throat is a nasty symptom and one that you don’t want to ignore. Monitor your child’s sore throat throughout the day. If their symptoms don’t improve after 24 hours, you should call us. You should also contact us immediately if your child’s sore throat is severe or makes it difficult to swallow or eat. You should consult with our team if your child experiences six or more sore throats a year.


There are many reasons your child might be coughing, and most of the time, they resolve on their own; however, it’s important to recognize when a cough could indicate something more severe that warrants a pediatrician’s care. Call us if your child’s cough persists for weeks or occurs along with wheezing, thick yellowish mucus, shortness of breath, or fever.

Skin Rash

There are countless reasons your child might develop a rash, and the good news is that many minor rashes go away on their own; however, what should you do if the rash looks more serious? You should call our pediatric team if your child’s rash is widespread, painful, has blisters, keeps spreading, is hot to the touch, or is accompanied by a fever.

Contact Our Office Today

While these are the most common symptoms, they aren’t an exhaustive list. If your child’s symptoms are concerning or worrisome, visit our Rockville, MD, pediatrician Dr. Douglas for an appointment. Call Gold Pediatrics at (301) 517-9710 to schedule routine or urgent care.

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