

Child Weight Management

Maintaining a healthy body weight contributes to better health and wellness for kids. Children who are overweight are at a higher risk for developing various health issues, such as diabetes or high cholesterol. Dr. Errol Douglas, the board certified pediatrician at Gold Pediatrics in Rockville, MD, offers child weight management services to help kids achieve and maintain better health. 

Child Weight Management

Child weight management services at our pediatric office are designed to assist parents and kids in making beneficial changes toward implementing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Douglas will develop and individualized weight management plan that is tailored to the specific needs of your child. 

Two primary components of weight management plans for kids are diet and exercise. Consuming a healthy diet and engaging in one hour of physical activity every day both will help kids maintain a healthy body weight. Dr. Douglas will provide expert advice, recommendations, and specific strategies for helping your child safely lose excess weight and keep it off through dietary changes and regular exercise. 

Nutrition Tips

Good nutrition plays a major role in losing excess weight and keeping it off. Depending on your child’s needs, the doctor might refer you to a dietitian to assist your child in making healthier food choices that will lead to long-term success with managing weight. There are also several changes you can make at home right now to help your child with weight management. 

Nutrition tips for weight management:

  • Practice portion control 
  • Eat lean meats instead of fattier ones
  • Limit consumption of processed foods
  • Eat unprocessed and unrefined whole foods
  • Drink enough water throughout the day to stay hydrated
  • Eat several servings of fruits and vegetables daily
  • Minimize or eliminate processed sugars
  • Limit sugary drinks, such as juice

Parents can also help kids with weight management by setting a good example and modeling healthy eating habits. Another way parents can help is by engaging in physical activity with their kids every day, such as playing catch outside or dancing inside.

If your child is overweight, we can help. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Douglas to discuss child weight management by calling Gold Pediatrics in Rockville, MD, at (301) 517-9710.

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