The Difference Between Learning Disabilities and Developmental Disabilities

Learning disabilities and developmental disabilities are often confused with one another. That’s understandable, as the two can be challenging to understand and seem to overlap in many ways. If your child struggles with learning and developmental disabilities, Dr. Errol Douglas at Gold Pediatrics in Rockville, MD, offers personalized care to help overcome them.

Understanding the Differences Between Learning Disabilities and Developmental Disabilities

 Here’s a brief guide to help you understand learning and developmental disabilities: 

Developmental Disabilities 

 Children should reach particular milestones at certain ages, such as being able to walk or roll over. These milestones continue throughout childhood and adolescence and include intellectual, physical, behavioral, and emotional areas. It is considered a developmental delay if these milestones go unmet within the suggested time frame.

Some of these developmental disabilities, or the conditions behind them, are present at birth, like autism or cerebral palsy. Sometimes, they occur later due to an illness, accident, or other issue.

Some developmental delays are temporary. The child is slower at developing specific skills and will likely catch up. Others can be lifelong and require ongoing management. 

Learning Disabilities 

 Learning disabilities are a type of developmental disability. Common ones include: 

  • Dyslexia, or difficulty reading 
  • Dysgraphia, or difficulty writing
  • Auditory processing disorder 
  • Dyscalculia or trouble with math 
  • Language processing disorder 

 In many cases, learning disabilities coincide with other developmental disabilities. For example, a child with ADHD or autism in Rockville, MD, may also have trouble reading or writing. 

What Can I Do If My Child Struggles With Learning or Developmental Disabilities?

 The first step is to see your pediatrician. They can help determine a diagnosis and the best path forward. This can include working with specialists, learning various strategies and techniques, making lifestyle changes, and more. After receiving a diagnosis, it’s essential to inform your child’s teachers and caregivers so that you can all work together in your child’s best interest.

If you suspect your child has one or more learning or developmental disabilities, schedule an appointment with Dr. Douglas at Gold Pediatrics in Rockville, MD, by calling (301) 517-9710

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