

Understanding the Purpose of Pediatric Physicals: Beyond Routine Check-Ups

Here at Gold Pediatrics, Dr. Erroll Keith Douglas performs pediatric physicals for children of all ages to assess their physical development and overall health. Read about how keeping these annual appointments benefits your children and contact us today to book a pediatric physical.

What Does a Pediatric Physical Include?

When your child is due for a physical in Rockville, MD, your pediatrician performs a visual examination of musculoskeletal health, records their height and weight, checks their vital signs, and listens to the heart and lungs to monitor pulse and breathing. A physical can also include vision and hearing screenings.

The pediatrician will have questions about family medical history so come to the appointment with as much information as possible. We can discuss if your children are at a higher risk of certain diseases due to genetics. Developmental screenings include in-depth conversations with the child to assess habits and behavior.

Why Does My Child Need Regular Physicals?

Your child requires more frequent doctor's visits as a baby, and as they grow into adolescence, they should have physicals at least annually. Annual physicals with your pediatrician are growing as they should be and hitting developmental milestones.

Making regular appointments for physicals also helps create a healthy habit of seeing a doctor regularly. Too many adult patients delay contacting a doctor about their health out of fear or discomfort, so being comfortable with our doctors and our practice will benefit your children for the rest of their lives.

School physicals are sometimes called pre-participation physical examinations (PPEs) because the school requires all children to have a physical before enrolling or participating in sports or activities. Schools can require proof from your pediatrician that the child has received all recommended vaccinations. The administration needs a record of any medical conditions or allergies the child has, and schools also want to ensure that the child is healthy and has been cleared to participate in sports.

Make an Appointment

When your child needs a physical, Gold Pediatrics is here for your family. To make an appointment for a pediatric physical in Rockville, MD, with Dr. Douglas, contact us at (301) 517-9710.

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