

Healthy Habits Start Young: Tips From Pediatricians

The things that you teach your child at a young age will stick with them for the rest of their lives. It’s important that you make decisions that help to create healthy habits that stick with your child for their entire life. When you teach your child to make healthy choices, it impacts their life and can help improve their quality of life for years to come. Dr. Errol Douglas, your pediatrician at Gold Pediatrics in Rockville, MD, can give you advice and tips on how to help your child create healthy habits for the rest of their life. 

Creating Healthy Childhood Habits 

When you guide your child in their habits and decisions, these can follow them for the rest of their life. You might find that the habits you help your child create when they’re young are choices that they will continue to make for the rest of their life. This can include habits with their diet, exercise, and doctor's visits. By helping guide your child’s choices, you can help them understand which habits can benefit them the most. 

To help your child create healthy habits, your pediatrician in Rockville, MD, might suggest leading by example. This means that you are eating healthy foods with your child and showing them what works best for their body. You can also include them in processes like grocery shopping or cooking to get them interested in what they’re eating.  

You should also make sure that your child is getting plenty of exercise each day. This can help your child continue to stay active throughout their life and maintain a healthy weight. By bringing your child to their pediatrician on a regular basis, you’ll also help your child understand that it’s important to visit for regular checkups. 

Contact Our Pediatrician Today 

Make sure that you’re helping your child continue to make the best choices. Contact Dr. Douglas, your pediatrician at Gold Pediatrics in Rockville, MD, to learn more about creating healthy habits with your child. Call for more information and to schedule your appointment today at (301) 517-9710.

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