

Developmental Screening: Why It's Important for Every Child

After a baby is born and brought home from the hospital, tracking the child's process of growth and development is of primary importance. Developmental screening is targeted at monitoring how a child is developing based on several key factors. Learn why it's important for every child to go through developmental screening and make an appointment to consult Dr. Errol Keith Douglas at Gold Pediatrics in Rockville, MD.

What Is Developmental Screening?

During a prenatal visit or the first visit to the pediatrician after the child is born, the doctor will discuss and possibly schedule future developmental screenings (usually at around 9 months, 18 months, and 30 months of age). Developmental screening is an appointment where the pediatrician and family identify and address possible issues with the way the child is developing physically, emotionally, or behaviorally. It usually includes the following:

  • Tests of the child and questionnaires completed by the parents about the child’s behavior, language, emotions, thinking, and ability to process information.
  • Checking hearing and sight.
  • Recording information about the child's responses to stimuli.
  • Consulting parents about any notable changes or concerns since the last well-child visit.

Why is This Screening Important for Children?

Doctors can talk to you about key milestones in a child's growth and development at these screenings. If the child is not meeting those milestones, it is best to identify the issue as soon as possible rather than waiting until it is more difficult to resolve. For example, if a child is showing signs of a behavioral disorder like autism, therapies can begin from a young age. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that one in six children between the ages of 3 and 17 have at least one developmental or behavioral disability.

What Happens After a Developmental Screening

After each developmental screening, if your child's Rockville, MD, doctor identifies a potential issue, you will talk about the recommended solutions and decide on a course of treatment. That may include medications, therapy (physical, speech, occupational, or behavioral), and school support services.

Schedule a Screening Today

Your child's health and development will always be a top priority. Get help from a pediatrician at every stage of his or her growth. Call (301) 517-9710 today to set a time for a developmental screening with Dr. Douglas at Gold Pediatrics in Rockville, MD.

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