

Understanding Newborn Sleep Patterns: Tips for a Restful Night

Welcoming a new baby into the family is such an exciting time, but it can also be a time of insufficient sleep. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to promote a more restful night’s sleep for everyone, including the baby. Dr. Errol Douglas, the board-certified pediatrician at Gold Pediatrics in Rockville, MD, offers newborn care, including guidance on handling, feeding, bathing, and newborn sleep patterns, to help you better care for your little one.

Newborn and Infant Sleep Schedules and Patterns

During the first three months following birth, most newborns sleep between 14-17 hours total throughout the day and night. That might sound like a lot of sleep, but newborns typically only sleep for a few hours at a time. They wake up often to feed because their stomachs are so small and they can only consume small amounts of breastmilk or formula at a time. It can be challenging to get a restful night’s sleep during the first few weeks or months when newborns wake up frequently to eat.

From birth to 6 weeks of age the maximum duration of sleep at night is about 4 hours before the baby wakes up to eat. By 2 or 3 months old, some babies begin sleeping for as long as 6 continuous hours before waking up. Most babies can sleep through the night by the time they are around 6 months old.

Many babies eventually develop a schedule or pattern for when they nap during the day and sleep at night. Parents and caregivers can encourage the development of a sleep schedule by laying the baby down at consistent times every day for naps and bedtime.

Tips for a Restful Night

Yawning, rubbing the eyes, looking away, and fussiness are all signs your little one is feeling sleepy. When it’s time for your baby to rest, there are some things you can do to help your little one fall asleep more easily. The experienced pediatrician at our office in Rockville, MD, provides newborn care and guides helping the baby sleep so everyone can enjoy a more restful night.

One step you can take toward making nighttime less stressful and more restful is to establish a sleep schedule as soon as possible. The predictability of having naps and bedtime occur at the same time every day can be both reassuring and comforting for babies. It is also best to avoid letting your little one fall asleep in your arms all the time. Laying babies down when they’re sleepy helps them learn to fall asleep on their own.

Another thing that can be comforting is developing a consistent bedtime routine. A routine could include one or more relaxing activities, such as a bath, feeding, cuddling, gentle massage, reading a book, or singing lullabies. Babies do not necessarily know how to put themselves to sleep so a nightly routine provides cues that let your little one know it is time to relax and rest. Additionally, if the baby wakes up and it’s not time to eat, try waiting a few minutes to see if your little one will fall back asleep on their own.

Understanding your baby’s sleep patterns and establishing a schedule can lead to a more restful night. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Douglas to learn more about newborn care by calling Gold Pediatrics in Rockville, MD, at (301) 517-9710.

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