

Child Weight Management: FAQs

Childhood obesity can greatly increase your child's risk of developing chronic health conditions and health complications in the future. While it is not something that's easy to overcome, there is help available, learn more about child weight management by reaching out to your Rockville, MD, pediatrician, Dr. Errol Douglas of Gold Pediatrics.

How Is Obesity Diagnosed?

As part of every regular checkup, your child's weight and height are measured, which can help to determine if they are overweight for their age.

How Is Obesity Managed?

A management plan can be developed based on a number of factors, these can include your child's age and if they have other medical conditions that can affect their progress.

Plans typically involve making changes to your child's diet and level of physical activity, and in certain circumstances, your doctor may prescribe medication or suggest other more involved treatments if they become necessary.

What to Expect From Treatment?

If weight management is suggested by your child's doctor, the first consultation will likely revolve around asking questions regarding your child's and your family's lifestyle. Questions about the types of foods you buy, how much your child typically eats, how much they exercise, and how long they spend in front of screens, among others.

What Can You Do to Help Improve Your Child's Health?

Parents are the ones who buy and cook the food, as well as control the family's finances, so it's you who can make the most significant changes to your child's diet. Your pediatrician can help guide you to better ways to implement lifestyle changes both for your child and your whole family to help them reach their goals.

Improving your child's level of physical activity doesn't have to involve signing them up for very involved exercise plans. Often, you can do a lot simply by limiting their screen time and motivating them to play.

Child Weight Management in Rockville, MD

If you are interested in exploring the benefits of child weight management for your child, you can schedule a consultation in Rockville, MD, with Dr. Douglas of Gold Pediatrics by dialing (301) 517-9710.

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