

Child Behavior: Managing Sibling Rivalry

Is undesirable child behavior becoming constant in your home? Dr. Errol Douglas and the team at Gold Pediatrics in Rockville, MD are here to help.

Tips for Managing Sibling Rivalry

When you found out you were having another child, you may have imagined your children playing together and fully enjoying one another’s company. You might be lucky enough to have experienced this in some cases. And it might have broken your heart when the fighting started. 

While sibling rivalry can be disheartening, there are ways to manage it. Below, Dr. Douglas and the team at Gold Pediatrics in Rockville, MD share some tips for managing undesirable child behavior between siblings and when it’s time to seek help. 

1. Know That It’s Normal

Don’t let the arguing and bickering get you down too much. Sibling rivalry is very common. It can even be healthy, as your kids can learn to manage conflict at home. 

2. Don’t Compare

Sibling rivalry can often be fueled by competition. If a parent is constantly bragging about one child – especially to their sibling – that competition will worsen. 

3. Show Equal Love

It’s never a good idea to play favorites, and you should make spending time with each child a priority. Granted, younger children need more attention, but be sure to spend quality time with the older children as well. 

Also, be consistent with the rules. If one child isn’t allowed to do something, the other shouldn’t either – unless there is a good reason. For example, if an activity is too dangerous for younger children, you should prevent them from participating. However, when there is no legitimate reason for separate rules, be consistent. 

Likewise, be fair. Make your children take turns. This not only shows that neither child is your “favorite,” but also teaches them to be fair in life. 

4. Walk Them Through It

When there is an argument, have your children cool off. Afterwards, have them sit and talk through the conflict with you guiding the way. 

Know When to Get Help 

In most cases, creating a fair environment, showing each child love, and walking them through conflict management will be enough. Over time, the rivalry will decrease and you’ll enjoy much more peace. However, there are times when outside help is warranted, such as if violence is becoming the normal way your children handle their problems, the fits of anger occur too often, or you feel that one or both might be in danger. 

Learn more about managing child behavior by visiting Dr. Douglas at Gold Pediatrics in Rockville, MD is here to help. Call (301) 517-9710 to schedule an appointment today.

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