

What To Expect During a Pediatric Physical

Dr. Errol Douglas and the team at Gold Pediatrics are proud to provide children in and around Rockville, MD with caring and compassionate pediatric physical examinations to ensure healthy development.

Guide to Pediatric Physical Examinations

From the time your child is born, you’ll be visiting the pediatrician pretty regularly. The first two years will require the most visits. Over time, there will be fewer – typically just once a year. It might seem frustrating to have so many appointments, but they are critical to your child’s health and development. Dr. Douglas and the team at Gold Pediatrics in Rockville, MD explain what happens during a pediatric physical below.

Measurements and Vital Signs 

One of the first steps in your child’s physical exam is to check their weight and height. This information is used to determine how much they’ve grown and whether they are in a healthy range. Blood pressure, temperature, and heart rate are also taken to evaluate their general health.

Screenings and Tests 

The pediatric staff will also perform a hearing test and a vision screening. The results are used to determine if there are any potential signs of hearing or vision problems. However, the vision screening should not take the place of a comprehensive eye exam with an eye doctor.

Physical Examination 

The pediatrician will do a hands-on examination to check your child’s eyes, ears, throat, nose, and abdomen. They’ll also assess your child’s physical, mental, and emotional development.


Vaccinations are imperative for children, as they empower the body to fight specific illnesses and diseases. Specific vaccinations are recommended for different age ranges. If your child falls into one of these ranges, they’ll be given the recommended vaccinations at their annual appointment.

Discussions, Recommendations, and Referrals 

You and your child will have the opportunity to ask your pediatrician any questions or bring up any concerns. The pediatrician can recommend any resources or tips to help navigate whatever you might be facing.

In some instances, either the things you bring up or the results of the physical will require a specialist’s help. For example, if your child’s hearing isn’t up to par, they might need to visit an audiologist. If a specialist is needed, your pediatrician will provide a referral. Prescriptions will also be provided when needed.

Your pediatrician will also provide guidance based on your child’s age. These often include nutritional and exercise recommendations, as well as managing moods and changes that you’ll be facing.

If you’re searching for a caring team for your child, call (301) 517-9710 to schedule a pediatric physical with Dr. Douglas and our team at Gold Pediatrics in Rockville, MD.

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