

Why Immunizations Are Important

Dr. Errol Douglas at Gold Pediatrics is the pediatrician to have on your side in Rockville, MD to ensure your child has the healthiest start in life.

Reasons Immunizations Are So Important 

Being a parent means taking care of many things to keep your precious ones safe. This includes car seats, baby-proofing equipment for your home, and more. One of the most important things you can do throughout their childhood and teen years is to ensure they have all the vaccinations their pediatrician recommends. Why, exactly, is doing so important? Dr. Douglas and the team at Gold Pediatrics in Rockville, MD provide three important reasons below.

1. They Protect Your Kids 

Vaccinations offered by your pediatrician help prevent illnesses and diseases that have – historically – taken the lives of children. Others have left kids suffering. One example of this is polio, but it’s not the only one. Vaccinations help strengthen your child’s immune system to fight such illnesses and diseases, preventing unnecessary deaths among our young population.

2. They Save Time and Money 

No one wants to spend time or money on things that could be avoided, but it happens quite often. If your children aren’t vaccinated and develop an illness that the immunizations could have prevented, you spend unnecessary time sitting in the ER or doctor’s office. And treatment costs more money than prevention.

3. They Prevent Missed School Days 

Your child’s education is important. And while missing a day of school here and there isn’t really a big deal, many of the illnesses and diseases immunizations prevent can keep them out of school for long stretches. It can cause them to get behind on their education and you to miss work to take care of them.

Do you have more questions about immunizations? Or is it time for your child’s yearly visit to a pediatrician? Call (301) 517-9710 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Douglas at Gold Pediatrics in Rockville, MD today.

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