

The Importance of Child Immunizations

Vaccinations often prove crucial for protecting personal health and encouraging healthier, stronger communities. Parents caring for children should have their children immunized as their doctor recommends. Of course, you may have questions about immunizations. If so, it’s wise to speak with a doctor. If you’re looking for immunizations in Rockville, MD, contact Gold Pediatrics. Dr. Errol Douglas would be happy to help.

Let’s take a closer look at immunizations, how they work, and why they are important for kids.

Immunizations Safely Train the Body to Fight Diseases

Over the course of decades and multiple studies, modern immunizations have proven to be quite safe and offer exceptional health benefits. Immunizations typically contain a deactivated virus, a viral component, or a weakened virus. Once your immune system is exposed to the virus or viral component, it can learn how to destroy the virus. Later, if your body is invaded by a fully functioning virus of the same type, the body will already have a blueprint for fighting it off.

Since the immune system learns how to fight the virus on its own, immunizations essentially make the body stronger. Immunizations can be thought of as training or exercise programs. Children have inexperienced immune systems, and their bodies have a lot to learn. Many adults get sick less often than they did as kids precisely because their immune system is trained and experienced.

If you'd like to schedule immunizations in Rockville, MD, stop by Gold Pediatrics. Dr. Douglas can provide assistance.

Stop the Spread of Diseases

A cold can quickly move through classrooms and schools. If one child gets sick, they may pass it on to someone else. Unfortunately, some people are unable to get immunizations due to allergic reactions, compromised immune systems, and other issues. As such, “herd immunity” is crucial. With herd immunity, so many students in the classroom will be immune to a specific disease that it won’t be able to easily spread.

By getting your child fully vaccinated, you’re contributing to herd immunity. In turn, you and your child can protect vulnerable people who aren’t vaccinated.

Keep Kids in School

When kids get sick, they may have to miss school, thus disrupting their education. Parents may also need to take time off work to care for their children. Since immunizations can prevent children from getting sick in the first place, it helps ensure that they can stay in school.

If you'd like to schedule immunizations in Rockville, MD, dial (301) 517-9710 to reach Gold Pediatrics and chat with Dr. Douglas.

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